Tuesday, December 28, 2004

I'm With Stupid

There is so much going on in the world today. We have recently re-elected The Resident, which frankly, I think is one of the most embarrassing things we Americans have ever accomplished as a society. I mean, in 1999, we impeached President Clinton for lying about where he put his penis. Yes, lying is wrong. Lying under oath is worse. But seriously, what impact does this action have on my life or yours? Do I really care what he does with his penis? No. He isn't MY husband. He certainly did nothing worse than his predecessors, including our beloved JFK. Fast forward to post 9/11/01. Bush spewed a barrage of lies at the American People and Congress (under oath as well), even using information that he was told by his advisors was unconfirmed and shouldn’t be used. These lies were used to compel Congress to vote to declare war on Iraq, despite the gross lack of support from the Global Community. And despite the lies coming to light, he continues to deny they are false and goes on to spin new ones. So what do we do? Do we impeach HIM? No. We re-elect him. Brilliant. I feel very certain that HIS lies have had a hell of a lot more impact on the lives of the American People. We've lost more than 1000 soldiers. One of them was the baby brother of one of my closest friends. I don't even know the current body count. I don't want to. It makes me sick. As does W. The disaster that just struck in Asia makes my blood run cold. How terrifying that this can happen. My thoughts are with those that lost or are still searching for loved ones. These are just a few examples of the issues that should be getting the attention of our political leaders, no? Now, John McCain had aspirations for the sitting in the Oval Office. I read a bit about him and thought he held some promise, depsite the fact that he is a republican. Truth be told, I would vote either party if I actually LIKED a candidate instead of just voting against the greater evil. Unfortunately, McCain's amazing lack of judgment showed through in his most recent bone-head move. Essentially, McCain threatened to waste the time of our lawmakers to deal with the issues of mandatory drug testing for Major League Baseball players if the players' union and the League couldn't come up with a more stringent policies. Gimme a fucking break, John. Thousand of our men and women are at war, homelessness is a nationwide problem, and our illustrious leader is succeeding in making our rich richer and our middle class and poor poorer. I could list another 100 problems that our elected officials continue to fail to solve here in America. By all means, major league baseball should REALLY be at the top of the queue. Keep your eyes on the ball, Scmuck! It really brings new meaning to wearing one of those "I'm with Stupid" tee shirts. Maybe I'll go walk through the halls of justice in DC wearing one and see how many politicians I can pose with for a photo op.


At January 3, 2005 at 1:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go W!


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